
  • Nearly one million registered members trust our scientific approach to matchmaking
  • Matchmaking for every purpose
  • Profile and photos are checked

What is C-Date?

More than a date

Meet exciting people. Have fun on your date! Find what you are looking for on C-Date. Test it and see where it takes you. C-Date - Everything is possible. C-Date stands for Compatibility Date: we match based on compatibility preferences.

What our users are saying about C-Date

C-Date is about finding like-minded people and, of course, having fun on your dates. Read what our members have to say about our service.

*For privacy protection reasons we are using sample photos here.

Experience a new type of dating:


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Note: we do not provide our service to customers with Luxembourg residence. If you are a Luxembourg resident you're not allowed to register for the service.

Country Selection

<b>C-Date</b> is pleased to offer it's service specifically for <b>America</b>.<br />Would you like to switch to <b>C-Date America</b> to meet <b>dates</b> near you?