In Case You Missed It

Urologists weigh in on whether it's safe—or smart—to tan your penis.

Is your partner---male or female---too quiet in bed?

Women are ditching toxins in favor of safer period care.

Burn some extra calories during sex by concentrating on already-engaged muscle groups.

The Latest from Giddy

A new study suggests discrimination and social stigma are partially to blame.
Your small and simple daily decisions can go a long way to protect and elevate your mood.
A recent study is the first to establish a link between PTSD, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
Knowing if it's environmental allergies or COVID-19 can help you find relief.
The military justice system reform could encourage reporting and raise accountability.
Pour yourself a cup of Joe. That morning coffee could provide an unexpected health benefit.
The new 2024 mammogram guidelines could help improve breast cancer survival rates.
The number of U.S. births per year dropped three percent, according to new CDC data.
What happens when you have high blood sugar, especially if you’re hyperglycemic and pregnant?
The case could affect emergency medical care for millions of pregnant people in the U.S.