
Want To Survive & Thrive
During Your CPA Exam Journey?

Ready to Finally Pass the CPA Exam? Another71 Helps CPA Candidates Stop Wasting Thousands of Dollars and Pass the 2024 CPA Exam and Get Their Life Back.

CPA Study Plans

Meet Jeff

Hi, I'm Jeff Elliott. I'm a Christian, Husband, Father of Ten (yep, heard all the jokes), Taekwondo Black Belt, Farmer, High School Soccer Coach, and Certified Public Accountant in Kansas. Oh, and I've been helping people Pass the CPA Exam full-time since 2010 😃.

jeff elliott cpa
“Best” CPA Review Courses

“Best” is in quotes for a reason.

Don’t fall for the fake ‘review’ sites that try one-size-fits-all something as nuanced as a review course you'll be using for a year and a half of your life.

Whether you already have a review course, need one, want a different one, or need a supplement, we're here to help.

Over 1450,000 CPA Candidates have asked for our help over the last 13 years.

We’ve got you covered.

CPA Review Materials

Although it may seem challenging to choose, the good thing about the CPA Review space is that the options are pretty limited.

What you buy or use depends on YOU…

…and your study schedule, study plan, study method, budget, and learning style.

What CPA Reviews Material fits you?

Let’s find out.

Another71 CPA Exam Review Forum: THE CPA Exam Gathering Space

Going strong since 2008. Forget about Reddit, Discord, or Facebook groups. They barely existed in 2008 while the a71 forum was the first real CPA exam prep social space on the internet.

This is the Granddaddy CPA Exam Candidate Town Square and resource. If you have a question, it has likely already been asked and answered.

Research previous topics, start your own, respond to others' questions…it's all there for you.
Want to surround yourself with people who get what you are going through? This is the place.

From The Blog

  • From The Blog post 1

    A Decade of CPA Exam Review Content. More Added Weekly.

    This is the spot for CPA Exam news, CPA study strategies, guest posts from test takers in your same shoes, and countless more…like my advice on:

    • What to do when you've failed a CPA Exam
    • How many weeks to study for each exam section
    • Which CPA Exam section to study first
    • How to find the time and CPA study motivation
    • When to schedule your exams

14 +

Years Helping CPA Candidates

150,000 +

CPA Candidates Helped

12,000 +

CPAs Created


Max says, “I've heard that you can request the AICPA to review your CPA Exam test to see if there was some sort of grading error in the system. Is this true? If so, is it true for the California State Board of Accountancy?”

The California State Board determines whether or not you can take the exam and they also determine whether or not you can get your license. The California State Board of Accountancy, or whatever it's called there, the CBA I think, they determine whether or not you're eligible to sit for the exam and also your licensing and certificate after you pass.

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Your Guide,

Jeff Elliott

I am Jeff Elliott, CPA, creator of Another71 and NINJA CPA Review

I'm a married licensed CPA with 10 Pre-TCJA Dependency Exemptions (tax nerds will get that).

I passed the CPA Exam when I was 30 and had “only” three kids at home at the time and immediately went to the corporate world…and left.

Since I left the accounting world in 2010 I have only had one professional objective: help as many people as possible pass the CPA exam.

In the time that left accounting and started another71, I can proudly say I've helped literally thousands of people of ALL varieties do just that.